SafeSpacesNLP: Behaviour classification NLP in a socio-technical AI setting for online harmful behaviours for children and young people

We will explore the use of Socio-Technical Natural Language Processing (NLP) for classifying behavioural online harms within online forum posts (e.g. bullying; drugs & alcohol abuse; gendered harassment; self-harm), especially for young people.

Our socio-technical AI will explore both zero-shot and graph-based NLP algorithms for behaviour classification, using a cyclic socio-technical methodology. This approach will facilitate incremental use of human feedback for iterative learning and re-ranking, overcoming the limited training data issue and keeping a ‘human in the loop’. We follow an inclusive multi-disciplinary research approach, integrating stakeholders into our experiments from the start.


UCREL Corpus Research Seminar

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Project Team

Meet Our Project Team

Stuart Middleton

Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Southampton

Lead contact

Anita Lavorgna

Associate Professor in Criminology, University of Southampton

Elena Nichele

Elena Nichele

Research Fellow, University of Nottingham


Tayyaba Azim

Research Fellow, University of Southampton

Research Fellow

Jeremie Clos

Research Fellow, University of Nottingham

Research Fellow

Our Project Partners
